Wednesday, January 7, 2015

So I'm doing this thing...*Oh and I'm back.

I'm doing this thing called Fun-A-Day Pittsburgh this January. The basic idea is that you do something creative every day in January. It can be thirty-one separate projects, one big project you work on every day, a bunch of little projects, whatever, the world is your fucking oyster. Last year I made bookmarks. (Duh, librarian.)

This is what thirty-one bookmarks looks like.

This year I decided I was going to make thirty-one mini-collages (4x6) based on author quotes. Nifty idea, how hard can it be, right? I even did some pre-planning. (Not because I'm organized, I was just excited.)

So many plans!

You may be asking yourself, "Is that a quill and ink I see there?" You're goddamn right it is! It would fantastic if I wasn't left-handed and smudged the ink everywhere. But, I digress- this is one neatly numbered page of favorite quotes. In fact, I have thirty-five quotes (thirty-one and four to grow on? I dunno.)

Day 1. New Year's Day. Okay, I had a raging hangover and never moved from my couch. I thought about the project a lot, though.

Day 2. I resolutely went upstairs and got all of my supplies out. I lined everything up neatly, had my little notebook, some sweet emo tunes to get me all artistic...and nada. I mean, I have a NEW GLUE GUN for crying out loud! I had an interesting picture and some pearls, so I went for it with a Henry Miller quote.

To have her here in bed with me, breathing on me, her hair in my mouth- I count that as something of a miracle.

I had to make two, so I followed it up with a quote from Henry Millers's lover, Anais Nin. (Aside: You should probably read Henry and June: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin.)

To think of him in the middle of the day lifts me out of ordinary living.
I'll be honest. I am not super-thrilled with either piece. But I'm not really an artist and it actually IS fun, so fuck it, I'll soldier on.

-having tons of fun

*Nothing happened in 2014 anyway, so you didn't miss anything.

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