I like the Jack Kerouac collage, even though the artwork feels a bit contrived to me. And I'll confess right now, this isn't the original collage I made for this quote. The first one I made was the definition of meh. I accidentally made an iceberg. I didn't even attempt to fix it, I just pitched it. (That bad!) Here's the better collage.
I feel like the word shatter. - Margaret AtwoodAnyway, I had sort of an epiphany today. I have all of these brilliant, thoughtful quotes from brilliant, thoughtful authors. That's great and I'm glad I get to read them. But I write, too. So, for the next 25 entries I'm using my own material. (*If you are paying attention to the math, you'll notice that only comes to 30.)
I am exquisitely, cripplingly self-conscious about this (and, honestly, everything about this project and...just everything all the time), so don't talk to me about it. I have an amazing, supportive friend that's known me since my days of slinging produce at the Green Grocer (thanks for all the cookies!) who believes I can do this. He's smart and wouldn't bullshit me. So here we go!
*Because Jesus Christ, 31 divides into NOTHING. Did I mention this project is forcing me to deal with my OCD tendencies? (I like symmetry. A lot. It says so in my introduction.) I want everything to be perfect and straight and it's not. Five quotes from authors, thirty from me, one guest quote TBA.
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